Train for Climbing is a definitive guide to improving your climbing performance through a comprehensive and evidence-based program. It is written by Eric Horst it combines leading edge sport science with his decades of climbing and coaching experience to create a content-rich text packed with practical how-to and what-to-do information.
This climbing training book is broken down into 13 chapters, including chapters on developing strength, power, and endurance in the crucial finger flexor and pulling muscles, plus developing exceptional core strength. Horst completes his coaching with dedicated chapters on technique and mental training, performance nutrition, accelerating recovery, and injury prevention. The book's 300-plus pages of expert instruction make for the most advanced and complete book of its type that is full of “how to” photographs.
Published in September 2016 this is the updated 3rd edition of this international best-selling guide to improving your climbing performance. It promises to increase your strength, power, skill and focus to maximize your climbing performance.
Number of pages is 338. Size is 190mm x 235mm. ISBN is 9781493017614.